Any Active USBF member interested in being on the ballot who has not been nominated by the Nominating Committee should go to  About USBF and read the final paragraph on the page (Election Information), which directs you to the relevant documents. 

ACTION Relation to BMD* Date Week Day
 Nominating Committee reports to
  Elections Committee
 31 Days before BMD  9/22/14  Monday
 Nominations Close  30 Days before BMD  9/23/14  Tuesday
 Last Day for Petition Candidates  20 days before BMD  10/3/14   Friday
 Eligible Voter List Posted on Web site**  15 days before BMD  10/8/14  Wednesday
 Last day to protest voter list**  7 days before BMD  10/16/14  Thursday
 Ballot Mailing Date (BMD)**    10/23/14  Thursday
 End of voting period**    11/22/14  Saturday
Announce Results      
 Last Day for protest of election

 10 days after results  announced


 * BMD = Ballot Mailing Date

** Necessary only if more candidates are nominated than there are positions open.