The 2005 USWBC, held in Las Vegas June 5 through 12, selected USA1 and USA2 for the 2005 Venice Cup in Estoril, Portugal.

2005  United States Women's Bridge Champions, and USA1 for Estoril were Hansa Narasimhan-Irina Levitina, Jill Levin-Sue Picus, and Debbie Rosenberg-JoAnna Stansby. Lew Stansby was their NPC at the USWBC, but had a conflict for the Venice Cup (he was playing in the Senior Bowl). Rozanne Pollack was their NPC for the Venice Cup and led them to a fourth place finish.


























Winners of the Playoff at the 2005 USWBC were JoAnn Sprung-Cathy Sulgrove, Karen Allison-Peggy Sutherlin, and Renee Mancuso-Pam Wittes. Their NPC for the Venice Cup was Joan Jackson.


2005 USWBC Scores
   Round Robin 1  
   Round Robin 2
 Finals and Playoffs