Board 85
Vul:  NS
Dealer N

S  Q J 4 3 2
H  Q T
D  Q J 6
C  A J 2

S  K T 8 5
H  A
D  A T 8 5 4 3
C  9 6

S  6
H  K 5 3
D  K 9
C  K Q T 8 7 5 3
S  A 9 7
H  J 9 8 7 6 4 2
D  7 2
C  4


Moss Zia Gitelman Rosenberg
 --  -- 1S 2C
2S 3NT Pass Pass
4H Dbl Pass Pass

Lead: C9

Zia made a winning choice with his 3NT bid. Brad's bid of 4H would have been right on another day. His bid, if wrong, rated to only cost an imp or two against an ordinary defender. But watch ...

On the C9, Michael played the suit preference C3. Declarer lead the HQ and of course Michael did not cover. After winning the HA, Zia played the D5 over to his partner's K and now Michael played back his singleton spade. Zia still had his DA as an entry to give his partner the spade ruff, plus his SK was a winner. The underlead was necessary to get the spade through, while preserving the entry to give partner his ruff. Zia was probably fairly certain that declarer was 37?? and could visualize just this layout. Our hero!

Down 3 for +800. Win 9 imps, and ultimately the match!