System Summary Form (SSF), 2016 Mixed USBC

Team: Miller Last Updated Jul 9, 2016 at 14:46
Players: Jim Rasmussen - Pamela Miller

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

Two club response to one of a major opening in 1st or 2nd seat is invitational in one of the four suits or game forcing with clubs. Opener puppets to 2D to ask. Responder rebids suit to invite or 2NT to show GF with clubs.

Transfers over 1M/Dbl.

General Bidding Style

5 card M's (1st and 2nd) and forcing 1NT(4-12 any)
14+-17 NT(5 card M and semi-bal hands common)
Open either suit when 4-4 in minors
We often open balanced 12 counts and unbalanced hands with 10-11 HCP and rarely with 8-9 HCP
Weak 2 bids show 6 cards with 2 of top 4 honors except undisciplined in 3rd seat NV
May respond with weak hand if short in opened minor or with 3+ card support of major
2/1 GF except 1D-2C and 1M-2C
1m-2m GF (does not deny 4 card M)
1m-jumpshift other m is distributional limit raise
Transfer advances of overcalls through 2 level overcall
Frequent fit bids in competition
Doubles through 3S in competition usually "cards"

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Vs. NT: 4th best from honor (T goes either way); second highest from bad 4 card suits if we can stand a shift; A asks unblock or count; K asks attitude; Q asks for unblock or count
Vs suit: 3rd from even, low from odd; except high from xxx(x) in partner's raised suit; honor leads are Rusinow with 9 being the swing card.
After the opening lead, when breaking a new suit we lead attitude (with count msg if clear) or the higher of touching honors (except K from AK)

Defensive Signals

Upside down attitude, standard count
Signaling priority on opening lead is Att,Count,SP except:
C in cashout situations
SP if dummy is short in led suit and forcing dummy not useful
Try to signal only when needed by partner; tend to give more SP than count.
Normal Smith vs. NT by both partners
First discard is upside down attitude
When splitting honors we play the second highest from two, highest from a longer sequence