The Polish Bridge Union and Canadian Bridge Federation are sponsoring an online Senior tournament January 18-February 8. The USBF is eligible to enter 4 teams. More information about the Transatlantic Senior Teams for the Julian Klukowski Trophy is below after information about the USBF Qualification event.

USBF Selection Procedure: Transatlantic Senior Qualification (TASR)

Special Conditions of Contest are now available.


The TASR will be a 3 day complete Round Robin with 9-board matches held on RealBridge from Dec. 11-13. Number of boards, dates and times were selected based on a vote of the teams.

The top four teams in the TASR will qualify for the Transatlantic Senior Teams.

Teams that represent the USBF in this event will pay their own $300 entry fee for the Klukowski event.

Entry fee for the TASR event is $150 per team to cover our costs for a director and RealBridge.

Entries have closed and there are fourteen teams entered.

There will be very limited play requirements, and system requirements will be just submission of an electronic convention card.

Undo's for misclicks will be allowed.

Players will self alert and explain their bids. Explanations should be provided for any bid about which a pair has information that the opponents might not be aware of. Explanations can be up to 300 characters, and will be saved in the player's "Explanation Library" on RealBridge, so that a second use of the same explanation will require only one click.

Players may consult their notes during the bidding.


What we know about the event for which we are selecting teams

Invitation Letter

We received the formal invitation letter, which has some additional details, on Nov. 22nd.


All WBF NBOs in Europe, Africa, North America, South America and the Caribbean have been invited to send teams. Each NBO can enter one or two teams, the USBF can enter four teams.

Each team can have any number of players. Each player must have been born before 1960 (be a WBF Senior). Eligible players can be added to a team at any time during the event.


January 18-23 and 25-30: Swiss, 1 20-board match per day every day except Sunday, starting at 2:00 pm EST.

January 31-Februrary 1, Round of 16 if needed. February 2 to Februrary 7, KO: Each match is 4 12-board halves, played over 2 days. If no more than 32 teams enter, 8 teams will qualify for the KO. If more than 32 teams enter, 16 teams will qualify for the KO.

Also, February 1-7, Swiss continues to determine 3rd place - KO losing teams drop in after each round of the KO.

Details, Entry Deadline, & Entry Fee

Draft Conditions of Contest.

Play will be online, probably on BBO & will be open notes.

TDs will be from Poland; all will speak English and at least one will speak Spanish

Entries are due by December 7th; the USBF has told the organizer we will enter 3 teams
Team rosters are due by the end of December.

The entry fee is $300 per team.