The bridge world was saddened to lose one of our brightest young players on April 2nd. His many friends have written eloquently of his life on BridgeWinners. His friends have also asked the USBF to do something in his honor, and we definitely will, although we don't know what yet. Sam was a member of the USBF Junior program until he "aged out" and represented the USBF in the Under-26 event at the 2018 World Youth Bridge Team Championship in Wijiang China in Sam's last year as a Junior, where his team made it to the KO stage and lost a close match in the Quarterfinal.

Rob Barrington posted a YouTube memorial to Sam you may enjoy watching.

He will be missed by all who knew him. Donations in his honor may be made to the USBF Junior Fund.

Sam Amer

We go this from Sam's Facebook page, so he must have liked it.

Sam Amer








Amer Family2

Here he is with his family, mom Jill, Sam, sister Libby, sister Sarah, and dad Paul.


Nancy Alvarado

Stanley Barg

Alan Bresky

Amy Casanova

Csaba Daday

Linda Einhorn-Ihde

Bonnie Gellas

Adam Gorin

Erez Handelman

Julian Jimenez

Amber Lin

Justin Martinez

Hee Jung Moon

Radu Nistor

Ida Pittman

Maureen Rives

Iulian Rotaru

Larry Sealy

Yoko Sobel

Marian Sussman

Beatrice Tusiani

Amer Family

Rob Barrington

Rosalie Brinton

Barbara Chamberlain

Alan Davidson

Nick Esoff

Eric Gettleman

Adam Grossack

Yehudit Hasan

Christian Jolly

Pei Lin

Ewan McNay

Brad Moss

Cynthia Ogden

Victor Poon

Nancy Robbins

Roger Scales

Clark Shaw

James Southern

Kristen Swenson


Eric Anderson

Susan Bende-Scheer

Geri Burke

Brooke Cohen

Helene & Dan

Marilyn Fedak

Joann Glasson

Zach Grossack

John Hurd

Adam Kaplan

Harrison Luba

Myrtis Meyer

David Moss

Fred Pasquale

John Ramos

Linda Robinson

Susan Schnelwar

Avery Silverstein

Scott Spitze

Lynne Tarnopol

Lucy Yang

Sydney Applebaum

Dana Berkowitz

Dori Byrnes

Jackie Cole

David Divine

Daisy Friedman

Judith Goodman

Joe Grue

Lisa Hutter

Dan Lev

David Marker

Gillian Miniter

Melissa Mugan

Alex Perlin

Amy Rhodes

Tanya Rodich

Barbara & Michael

Adam Sinclair

Christoper Steele

Anne Taylor

Asaf Yekutieli

Tim Archdeacon

Shawn Brenning

Nancy Calomiris

Danielle Cusson

Blenda Dupree

Fabian Geisberger

Lauren Goodstein

David Gurvich

Jill Jacobs

Joan Lieberman

Nancy Marshall

Rachel Moller

Sue Murphy

Robin Pikett

Barbara Rhodes

Andrew Rosenthal

Bill Seagraves

David Sizemore

Joe Stokes

Katherine Todd

Lucy Zhang