The 2020 USBF Invitational 1 will be covered on BBO Vugraph starting with the Quarterfinals. All of the matches will be listed in the BBO Vugraph Theatre.

To watch the Vugraph online, go to the BBO website, log on to BBO, go to "Vugraph" and choose which match to watch. To watch on your smartphone or tablet, install the BBO app and watch using that.

The tables listed in the Vugraph Theatre aren't real Vugraph tables, just links to actual tables on BBO where the players are playing. What you will see once you click on a "Vugraph" table is the same thing you would see if you got to the BBO table by searching for your favorite player and clicking on "join" on his or her profile. This means that some things are different from a normal Vugraph table:

1. We aren't able to load a starting score for segments after the first one. Instead, we will be putting the score from prefious quarters in the Vugraph Theatre list, and will put (+##) after the name of the leading team in the score box to show how much that team was ahead at the start of the session. You will be able to determine the "real" running score by adding the score shown in the score box to the score after the +.

2. We don't have to have both tables "on Vugraph" to let you choose which table to watch. We only have 4 special Vugraph operators who can set up the links from the Vugraph Theatre to the tables in play. So for the Quarterfinal we will list one table from each match. To get to the other table, click on the blue "hamburger" menu in the upper right of the screen where the hands are shown and select "Other Table."

3. The names you see are the players' BBO names, but all of them will have their real names in the profile you can get by clicking on their name.

4. We won't have the usual pop ups with player pictures and links to convention cards. Instead, each pair has prepared a BBO convention card with links to the pair's USBF System Summary Form and either filled in the BBO convention card or provided a link to an electronic convention card. You can get to the BBO convention card using the hamburger menu, and to the linked system information by selecting the appropriate URL and either copying it and pasting it into a new tab or window, or rigth-clicking on it and going to it in a new tab or window (the links are not clickable).

There will often be a "yellow" user on BBO called USBF. If you have general questions, please ask USBF, although she will also be dealing with tournament issues and may not respond promptly.

Each day's schedule is the same (these are Eastern US times; to see the times for your time-zone, go to the BBO Vugraph schedule site)


All of the teams will play the same boards throughout the event.


After a session, you can review the Vugraph action on our Web Vugraphs, which show each hand played with a link to bidding and play records. Take a look at the older events currently available (under Past USBCs -- Results for each) to see what we'll have for the 2020 USBF Invitational. Web Vugraphs are posted as quickly as we can get them done, hopefully at the end of each session.

You can find the hand records for USBF Invitational matches on this site, linked to the scores you can get to from the Results page..